
© Mark Keefe
We spend a great deal of time researching the copyright of photographs used on this website to obtain the relevant clearances and ensure an appropriate credit is given. But you’ll appreciate that we are human and don’t always get it right.
Our contributors often provide us with images – in good faith – which they have acquired over the years and it can be difficult to follow the ownership audit trail, if it still exists. So if one of your photographs appears on this website and we’ve not given a credit (or attributed copyright, in error, to someone else), please email and tell us about it.We’ll be happy to add an acknowledgement or remove the image altogether.
Flash galleries
Forgotten Relics’ galleries are in Flash format – this approach gives us greater control over the way the pictures are presented and reduces the burden of site maintenance. If you’re unable to see the galleries, you probably need to install Flash player. It can be downloaded by clicking the links below and following the on-screen instructions.
For Internet explorer, click here. For Firefox, Mozilla, Opera or Netscape, click here.
In the alphabetical list of featured relics, we have included a column which gives the size of the relevant Flash gallery. For the total page size, you should typically add 30kB.